Website Development

Website development is the process of taking the website design and building it as a functioning website. Our websites are developed on the WordPress platform using Foundation or Bootstrap as the underlying framework. We also build WordPress theme sites as required although our preferred option is a custom build based upon Foundation or Bootstrap. Check out a detailed list of our website development standards here.
Website Development Steps
- We setup an instance of WordPress on our development server.
- We take the final PSD files from our designer which you approved and we build them on our development server.
- We share the development server credentials with you so you can review the “front end” (what the public sees) and “back end” (what the owner sees) of the website.
- You review the website and provide feedback. We fix the feedback issues.
- You tell us the site is ready to go live.
- We move the site live for you on whatever hosting you are using. If you need hosting we can set that up for you as well.
Custom Website Development
WordPress is the leading CMS because it allows novice website owners to manage their websites without paying a developer for every little change or blog post. This simplicity is one of the main reasons why WordPress now powers about 25% of all of the websites on the internet today. About 60,000 new WordPress websites are built each day. We build our websites so that the WordPress back end retains all of its ease of use and outstanding functionality.
What doesn’t Website Development include?
Website development doesn’t include content – copy, images, etc. – that make up the meat of a website. For most of our website development projects, we leave the content creation up to our customers. If you would like us to include content creation that needs to be discussed at the beginning of the project before we provide you with a website quote.
Website development also doesn’t include initial SEO (search engine optimization) setup. It is an additional service that we can provide but it is optional. You can always have us work on it later.