Website Designer Guide for Government Websites

As a website designer who designs and builds websites for a broad variety of clients – including some government and quasi-government agencies – having a guide or set of standards to work from can be a double-edged sword. It is good to have rules, but it is bad if the rules get out dated. This new website designer guide for government websites should be beneficial.

Website Designer Guide Details

“New design standards for U.S. government websites published Monday aim to provide a more consistent and citizen-friendly look to the mishmash of buttons, forms and search bars that often characterize Uncle Sam’s Internet presence. Led by 18F and the U.S. Digital Service, the newly-released U.S. Web Design Standards guide gives agencies a set of standards for how government websites should look. Posted on GitHub, designers and developers now have a set of tools to help craft a uniform user interface when redesigning or creating new government websites.”


Need a website designer or website developer for a government website project? Contact Allen Jezouit or Luke Schulze at 413-458-1721 today!

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