Famous WordPress websites

We stumbled upon this article on TorqueMag.io the other day. The article lists over 75 famous WordPress websites built for brands, celebrities, etc. We hope this list of famous WP websites will help if you are questioning whether or not WordPress can handle your requirements. We’re not above a little name dropping to get past your objections!

Excerpts from the list of famous WordPress websites

Wall Street Journal Technology Blog – http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/
The New York Times Company – http://www.nytco.com/
Forbes – http://www.forbes.com/
Harvard Business Review – https://hbr.org/
Mashable – http://mashable.com/
TechCrunch – http://techcrunch.com/

See the entire list here: http://torquemag.io/brands-celebrities-famous-websites-using-wordpress/