Trendy Web Design Concepts

We try to stay abreast of trendy web design concepts. What’s more important, we try to identify which trendy web design concepts are applicable to our customers’ projects. This article from does a nice job of articulating many of the same steps we go through when we’re thinking about our customers’ websites.

Trendy Web Design Concepts: Goals First

Goals First: 5 Things To Consider Before Implementing A Web Design Trend

“2015’s trends: avocado toast and cold brews, patchwork jeans and platform sneakers, card layouts, flat design, hero images, loading animations, and background videos. So many trends, so little time. So, how does your company determine which trends to adopt and which to skip in 2016? Is it as simple as watching what competitors do? Is it a function of hiring more UX professionals and testing as much as you can?”

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